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after school begins


After-school practices typically run about 2 1/2 hours after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. We will sometimes have rehearsals on Wednesday, but it is not common.  Some practices start right after school and others start an hour or so after school ends.  Some students use this time to form study groups in the band hall, find a quiet corner to work on homework, or just enjoy hanging out with friends.


The band generally practices for one hour after school on football game days.


On days with after-school practice, in addition to their school backpack, your student will need to take everything they need with them in the morning. The Tote you purchased can be used to carry band equipment.


  • Instrument

  • All music and “dot” sheets in their neck wallet

  • Practice clothes

  • Athletic shoes/socks

  • Water jug (tip: if you fill it about 3/4 full of ice and then add water, they will still have cold water and some ice after school)

  • Whatever else they have been using at practice (chalk, etc...)

  • Small snack

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Campus Shuttles

If you begin your day with band first period, you will need to take the bus to the main campus in the morning and then there will be a shuttle that runs you to the Freshman Campus after the period ends for the remainder of the day. There are shuttles that will take kids to and from the main campus for band all day. The shuttles drop off at various locations on campus, so it is important to make sure you are on the one that goes to the music building. Additionally, there is a shuttle that will take you back to the 9th grade campus after school if you have events, practices, or tutorials you need to attend on the freshman campus and you have last period band.

Band Hall Life

The students can drop off their items in the band hall before heading to class each morning. In fact, most band students hang out in the band hall before school. It’s a great place to wait for the bell to ring. At the end of the school day, they will need to head straight to the band hall to change clothes and begin warm-ups. If your students have questions, encourage them to talk to their section leaders or other upperclassmen. They are willing to help freshmen through this first year whether it be about band or school. A lot of kids have older band friends that helped with homework and gave advice on navigating their way through high school.  It also helps to talk to someone who may have had a particular teacher.


Most kids don’t have a school-issued locker that was located near their classes. They use their band hall cubbies as a locker. If they are bringing a sack lunch, they can store it in their cubby, but take it to the cafeteria to eat lunch because food is not allowed in the band hall.


One year of band counts as the required 1 credit of Fine Arts needed for graduation. One year of band also counts as 1/2 credit for PE (1 PE credit is required for graduation). If your student stays in band through their Sophomore year, they will have their PE and Fine arts credit completed for graduation.

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